Thursday, January 11, 2007


OK, these pictures are terrible. I guess I was more interested in talking than taking pictures. This a picture of Clive Ellis, Bob Gray and Mark Bullock. (Tim is in the background.) These are all the pictures I got. Sorry. I did get some video clips of the funeral itself. I'll try and post them on my xanga site.

This is a picture of Gary Mayberry and his wife. I forgot her name. She was very friendly.
OK, this is morbid. I was really taking a picture of all the people standing there, but the hearse is the most prominent thing.
Here is a picture of Clive and then next to him is Danny Larson talking to Mark Bullock.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures! My oh my have we all aged.............

2:56 PM  
Blogger Patty Himes said...

Kelley, Those can't be the guys I went to college with!!! Just like you, I think of all my college friends as always looking the way they did when I last saw them.
Patty (Grimes) Himes

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was so good to talk with you this morning, Kelley. Are you sure these are pictures of Clive and Mark? I didn't recognize them...I guess we've all changed, huh?

3:08 PM  
Blogger Audie said...

Is that really you guys? Clive and Mark .... hehe!

You guys can see what Wendy & I look like now on My Space .... I am listed as ..... Elfmon

10:03 AM  

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