Sunday, January 28, 2007

Special Gift from God

My very good friend, Eliza, recently gave birth to this beautiful baby girl. Eliza and her husband waited many years for the Lord to give them this precious gift. We are so excited for them. They are going to be the best parents!!

Friday, January 19, 2007


Tim laughs at my close-ups...but I like them.

We went to the Auto Show on Thursday (thanks to free tickets from Kristin). Tim, Justin and I all had our cameras. I didn't take too many, because actually I got bored. I found out that I really don't like the Auto Show! After the first 20 cars, they all start to look alike! I ended up sitting on a bench and people watching. Much more exciting than cars!

Monday, January 15, 2007


We had a wonderful visit today with old college friends that we haven't seen in probably 26 or more years. We talked non-stop for probably 4 or more hours! In case you don't recognize them, they are Bruce and Polly Gerencser!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


OK, these pictures are terrible. I guess I was more interested in talking than taking pictures. This a picture of Clive Ellis, Bob Gray and Mark Bullock. (Tim is in the background.) These are all the pictures I got. Sorry. I did get some video clips of the funeral itself. I'll try and post them on my xanga site.

This is a picture of Gary Mayberry and his wife. I forgot her name. She was very friendly.
OK, this is morbid. I was really taking a picture of all the people standing there, but the hearse is the most prominent thing.
Here is a picture of Clive and then next to him is Danny Larson talking to Mark Bullock.

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