Saturday, May 05, 2007

Movie Set in Flint

Kristin and Justin went up to downtown Flint late one night this week to see the set of a movie being filmed there. (Notice the fake snow.) The movie stars Will Ferrell and the other Will (from Saturday Night Live). They didn't get to see the 2 Wills. The movie is about a pro basketball team called the Flint Michigan Tropics set in the 70's.... coming soon to a theater near you (well, you probably won't see it for several months).

We Can't Take Him Anywhere!

Kristin, Tim and I went out for some ice cream this afternoon. Tim got his melting ice cream cone all over himself. Kristin and I had a good laugh. Sorry, Tim it was funny!

Spring Has Sprung!

I am going to have a lot of planting to do. This flower bed looks pretty sad.

I took these pictures today. My neighbor across the street planted these tulips in my front yard several years ago.

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